Big Changes Ahead for the NDIS
The NDIS landscape is shifting. On October 3rd, 2024, the "Getting it Back on Track" legislation introduced key amendments to the NDIS Act. While these changes aim to improve the long-term sustainability of the NDIS, it's understandable to have questions about how they might affect you.
Let's break down some of the key changes and what they mean for NDIS participants:
1. Clearer Definition of NDIS Supports:
What's changed: The legislation introduces a clearer definition of what the NDIS will fund. This is outlined in the NDIS Support Lists, which detail the types of supports that are considered "reasonable and necessary."
What it means for you: It's important to familiarise yourself with these lists to understand what supports you can access with your NDIS funding. While there's a provision for substitutions in certain circumstances, having a clear understanding of the guidelines is essential.
2. Focus on Impairment-Related Needs:
What's changed: The NDIS will now only fund supports directly related to the impairments that make you eligible for the scheme.
What it means for you: Your NDIS plan will be more focused on supporting your primary disability-related needs.
3. Changes to Plan Management:
What's changed: The NDIA has greater power to determine your plan management type. This includes considerations around your capacity to manage funds and any past convictions related to fraud or dishonesty.
What it means for you: If you self-manage your plan, it's crucial to maintain accurate records and ensure you're spending funds appropriately.
4. Funding Amounts and Periods:
What's changed: Plans will now have specific funding amounts and periods (up to 12 months).
What it means for you: You'll need to manage your budget within these allocated periods. Unspent funds may roll over within the same plan.
5. New Planning Framework (Coming Soon):
What's changing: The NDIS is moving towards a new planning framework that will involve a standardised assessment process and a new budget method.
What it means for you: While this framework isn't in place yet, it's something to be aware of. It's likely to change the way plans are developed and funded in the future.
Staying Informed:
These are just some of the key changes introduced by the "Getting it Back on Track" legislation. It's essential to stay informed about these changes and how they might affect your NDIS plan.
Here are some resources to help you:
NDIS Website: The official NDIS website ( is your primary source for information on the latest changes.
Your NDIS Provider: Your provider can help you understand the changes and how they might affect your individual circumstances.
Advocacy Organisations: Organisations like Disability Advocacy Network Australia (DANA) can provide support and guidance.
Navigating the NDIS can be complex. By staying informed and seeking support when needed, you can ensure you're getting the most out of your plan.